短小精幹,Zotac Magnus Zbox EN1070K小巧高效能遊戲PC

上年我地就有運行Intel Skylake CPU ge Magnus EN1070 Barebone小型遊戲電腦主機。今次小編好榮幸收到由Zotac發出ge ZBOX Magnus EN1070K升級版小型遊戲主機,一部搭車KabyLake Core I5 CPU同埋GTX1070能夠俾用家體驗1080p甚至1440p下極致畫質ge短小精幹遊戲主機!


今次呢件新品ZBOX Magnus EN1070K係用緊Intel 7系 ge四核心I5-7500T,最高運行速度可以高達3.3Ghz,而且配搭住一張高效能ge GTX1070 8GB GDDR5 VRAM顯示卡,同時間仲有兩RAM槽可以接上DDR4 2133mhz雙通道SODIMM記憶體,M.2 PCIEx4 SSD(支援NVMe), USB3.1 Typc-C接頭, 2.4/5G Wifi模組同埋Gigabit LAN添! 真係麻雀雖小,卻五藏俱全!

其實小編自己就真係幾鐘意Compact build類型ge組裝機,Mini PC都唔例外,只要係夠compact,係一個狹小空間入面裝備到咁高效能ge硬件的話,已經係一個好理想ge設計,你仲可以帶住個盒周圍走添! 其實只要睇一睇ZBOX Magnus ge規格,就可以睇得出,佢係有足夠ge計算效能去支持住最新時代ge高畫質高效遊戲。 連最近由Zotac主辦ge eSports活動當中, Zotac所贊助ge團隊都係用ZBOX Magnus參加架!


因為今次所介紹ge ZBOX Magnus係一部barebone PC,所以今次ge開箱文當中我地係會用返自己安裝落去ge 8GB ADATA  DDR4-2133 SO-DIMMS (2 x 4GB),以及 Hynix 512GB M.2 SSD

前置面版中可以見到有內置ge SD Card讀卡器, 802.11ac Wifi接收模組, 藍芽4.0, 耳機及麥克風插, USB3.0 Type-A以及USB3.1 Type-C

而後置面版中就有兩個USB2.0以及兩個USB3.0 Type-A插,兩個HDMI2.0及兩個Displayport1.3插,兩個Gigabit ethernet及802.11ac wifi接收模組, 以及一個19.5v輸入電源插




ZOTAC, the creator of the Original Mini PC, derives its name from the words “zone” and “tact”, aptly referencing our skill & expertise in the zones of PC components, systems, and manufacturing. Combining both function and design, ZOTAC strives to create the latest technological products that epitomize form, utility, and style.

Innovation, Quality and responsibility

ZOTAC believes being at the forefront of innovation is the key to the future. Our dedication to produce quality products us the backbone of our business model, and we work round-the-clock to ensure all our products are up to then our rigorous standards.


為左測試 Zotac ZBOX Magnus EN1070K ge能力,我地今次ge測試環境會係係1920×1080 ge解析度之下運行3DMark Time Spy (DX12), Heavensward (DX11), Unigine Valley (DX11), Unigine Superposition (DX11)等等ge benchmarking工具~


好啦,等我地直接進入下一版詳細講解Zotac ZBOX Magnus EN1070K ge規格詳細資料啦!!


如欲購買,可至Amazon – https://goo.gl/4ltfzr.





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