Disney+ 虎躍新春賀歲片單 Rings in Year of the Tiger with Endless Entertainment

Disney+ 虎躍新春賀歲片單

Disney+ Rings in Year of the Tiger with Endless Entertainment

Disney+ 精選各大華語、外語電影及劇集,與觀眾一同迎接新歲!當中包括Disney+ 獨家上線,新增逾一小時片段的《梅艷芳》(足本導演版)、陳木勝導演最後鉅製《怒火》,以及不同類型的港產片等,祝願觀眾安坐家也能享受豐富的影視娛樂,於壬寅虎年生活精彩,!

Disney+ brings local entertainment galore to ring in the Year of the Tiger; these include a “Anita” (Direcor’s Cut); “Raging Fire” by renowned director Benny Chan in his final directorial effort and more — all exclusive to Disney+



歲猛片/煲劇精選 Lunar New Year Binging

《梅艷芳》(足本導演版) Anita Director’s Cut (2.2上線)

《怒火》Raging Fire (2.5上線)

《家有囍事2020》All’s Well End’s Well 2020

《一秒拳王》One Second Champion

《狂舞派》The Way We Dance

《狂舞派3》The Way We Keep Dancing

《乜代宗師》The Grand Grandmaster

《寒戰》Cold War

《寒戰2》 Cold War 2

《無間行者無間行者之生死潛行》The Infernal Walker

《葉問4》Ip Man 4

《捉妖記》Monster Hunt

《如懿傳》Ruyi’s Royal Love in The Palace

《鹿鼎記》The Deer and the Cauldron


港產片煲劇/戲精選 Best of Local Cinema

《金都》My Prince Edward

《點五步》Weeds On Fire(1.28上線)

《出貓特攻隊》Bad Genius(1.28上線)

《熱血合唱團》Find Your Voice



外語電影鉅製 Hollywood Blockbusters

《永恆族》 Eternals

《法蘭西諸事週報》The French Dispatch(1.19上線)


《波希米亞狂想曲:搖滾傳說》Bohemian Rhapsody

《與神同行》Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds

《與神同行:終極審判》Along With the Gods: The Last 49 Days


合家歡之選 Something for Everyone

《冰河世紀:阿北大冒險》The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild(1.28上線)


更多心水精選 More Entertainment for Everyone

星球大戰 Star Wars|《波巴費特之書》 The Book of Boba Fett

韓劇 Korean Drama|《雪降花》Snowdrop

韓劇 Korean Drama|《檢察官內戰 》Geomsanaejeon (AKA: Diary of a Prosecutor) (1.26上線)

韓劇 Korean Drama|《我們的新紮學堂 》Rookie Cops(1.26上線)

韓國真人Show Korean True Man Show|《Running Man向前衝》Outrun by Running Man

韓國真人Show Korean True Man Show|《認識的哥哥》Men on a Mission

美劇 American Drama|《19號消防局》Station 19

美劇 American Drama|《9-1-1》[第五季] 9-1-1 (Season 5)

日本動漫Japanese Anime|《世界盡頭的聖騎士》Faraway Paladin

Marvel動漫|《殺手猿》[第一季]Marvel’s Hit-Monkey [Season 1] (1.26上線)

國家地理 National Geographic|《金牌馴狗師:狗主人訓練班》[第一季]Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog [Season 1]

國家地理 National Geographic|《甘迺迪關鍵七日》JFK: Seven Days That Made a President (1.21上線)

陸劇 Chinese Drama|《武動乾坤》[第一季]MARTIAL UNIVERSE [Season 1] (1.26上線)

陸劇 Chinese Drama|《好先生》[第一季]To Be A Better Man [Season 1] (1.26上線)

陸劇 Chinese Drama|《小丈夫》May December Love 2(1.26上線)



賀歲猛片/煲劇精選 Lunar New Year Binging

梅艷芳(足本導演版) Anita (Director’s Cut)2.2上線)

Disney+ 獨家上線《梅艷芳》(足本導演版 )




ANITADirector’s Cut, exclusive to Disney+ A reinterpreted autobiography of the legendary songstress

ANITA chronicles the life of the iconic Hong Kong singer Anita Mui, whose dazzling career can be traced back to childhood. No less captivating than her stage presence is her unwavering devotion to family, friends, loved ones, and for the greater good of the community. Her vivid life has made for a unique legacy in musical history, and earned her the undeniable title of “Daughter of Hong Kong”.


怒火Raging Fire2.2上線)

名導陳木勝最後鉅製 新舊警察交鋒




A cop-vs-cop tale by director Benny Chan

While conducting a raid to arrest a drug lord, the police encounter a team of masked thugs. The thugs steal the drugs and murder the police officers on the scene. Arriving late, Inspector Bong is devastated to see the brutal aftermath of the carnage. Bong discovers that the cop killers are led by Ngo, a former fellow cop.


家有囍事2020 All’s Well End’s Well 2020

經典賀年喜劇系列 加入瘋狂千術引爆笑彈



Con artists in a Classic Chinese New Year comedy

The Yau brothers are a trio of scammers who team up with fellow con artists, the Lui sisters, to take down a notorious mob boss. Countless disguises and ingenious tricks imbue their quest to bring the mobster to justice. All while, romance swiftly blossoms—all’s well that ends well.


一秒拳王One Second Champion 

口碑熱爆港產之作 周國賢、趙善恆打造熱血力作

廢中周天仁(周國賢 飾)終日在酒吧渾噩,兒子(熊倬樂 飾)對他毫無寄望,為了躲避債主賢,天仁運用一秒預知超能力成功逃脫,意外被屢戰屢敗的拳擊教練阿信(趙善恆 飾)發現,拉攏他合作挑戰秒殺拳王Joe(查朗桑提納托古 飾),堂妹小瑤(林明禎 飾)多番阻撓也無補於事。一秒雖然很短,卻能創出宇宙;從未認真看待自己的天仁,決定藉此難得機會,運用這個超能力,在擂台上尋回失落已久的人生初衷,為了自己,為了兒子,好好活一次!其實輸怎會一世,贏又真的只在一秒?


Hit action movie feat. the moves of Endy Chow & Hang Chiu

Tin Yen was born with a superpower of foreseeing one second ahead, but it didn’t bring him any luck so far. Now a middle age man, he is still a loser who needs to take care of a young son with partial hearing loss and has no respect of his superpower.One day, an obsessive boxer, Shun, witnessed Tin Yen defeated a loan shark gang by himself. Shun becomes determined to hire Tin Yen as his training assistant to best Joe, the local boxing champion.


狂舞派The Way We Dance


在祖傳荳品店長大的花(顏卓靈 飾)喜歡自創Hip-hop舞,上了大學後,她獲萬人迷的舞隊社長Dave(Lokman 飾)垂青,如願以償加入了BombA,豈料惹來舞隊美女成員Rebecca(Janice 飾)的不滿,於是Rebecca開始嘲笑花的舞技,令她對跳舞失去信心。





Dance for Passion

Fa grew up in her family’s traditional tofu store, but dreams of becoming a hip-hop dancer. After entering university, she catches the eye of popular dance crew captain Dave and joins the dance crew BombA.


狂舞派3 The Way We Keep Dancing

熱舞電影續作 地產發展無阻創作力



Passionate Dancers vs Demanding Developers: who will win?

The Kowloon Industrial District is home to many of Hong Kong’s artists, including rapper Heyo, YouTuber Leung, rising star Hana, and Dave the dancer. However, the government is preparing the area for gentrification. The group from “The Way We Dance” is invited to participate in a publicity stunt to transform the district into a “Dance Street.”


乜代宗師The Grand Grandmaster

黃子華編導演 糅合功夫與笑料

馬飛龍(黃子華 飾)是馬家雷拳第十九代傳人,以一代宗師自居。沒想到,於街頭眾目睽睽下,會被一名女途人擊倒。片段在網絡上瘋傳,並淪為全球笑柄,一夜之間一代宗師淪為「乜代宗師」。後來,飛龍從記者口中得知女途人大有來頭。原來她是香港西洋拳壇傳奇人物,曾經擁有四十場不敗紀錄的奇女子 ——陳真(劉心悠 飾)!飛龍為了挽回聲譽,向陳真下戰書,在擂台上與她一決高下。與此同時,飛龍前妻阿媚(周家怡 飾)多次把飛龍玩弄於股掌之中,令飛龍深受打擊,無法集中精神應戰。面對大限將至,飛龍該如何是好?


A Kung-Fu comedy directed by King of Laughter Dayo Wong

Ma Fei Lung is the 19th-generation successor of his family’s Thunder Fist martial arts. One day, he gets knocked out by a woman on the street. Fei Lung learns that she is the Hong Kong legendary boxer, Chan Tsang. To salvage his reputation, Fei Lung issues Chan a challenge on the ring. Ex-wife Mei has Fei Lung wrapped around her finger, causiing Fei Lung to lose his focus on the preparation.


寒戰Cold War

營救人質 保衞名譽 陷入局中局



It’s never just about saving hostages

The police have been untouchable until their van with five highly-trained officers disappears. Sean Lau and Waise Lee fight to take charge of the rescue operation. For them, there’s much more at stake than the safety of the hostages or the reputation of the police. Lau and Lee execute a planned attack, but little do they know they’ve become unwitting pawns in a bigger, more dangerous game.

寒戰2 Cold War 2

影帝大集合 延續各部門之間勾心激鬥

續集延續上一集的結局,劉傑輝(郭富城 飾)在代號「寒戰」的行動後獲擢升為警務處處長,李文彬的兒子李家俊(彭于晏 飾)被判監。然而,恐怖分子脅持了劉傑輝的太太和女兒,要求以羈留中的李家俊交換。李家俊背後的更大勢力逐漸浮出水面,讓警隊、司法界及廉政公署之間的權力制衡更加緊張,而退休的李文彬(梁家輝 飾)也再次捲入其中,形成敵我難分的局面。


Blockbuster superstars go head to head in a rise to power

Sean Lau is promoted to Commissioner of Police while Joe Lee is sentenced to prison. However, the terrorists kidnap Sean Lau’s wife and daughter and demand an exchange with the detained Joe Lee. The greater power behind Joe Lee gradually surfaces. M.B. Lee who is retired is once again embroiled in a situation where there is no clear line drawn between a friend and a foe.


無間行者之生死潛行The Infernal Walker




Spy Movie 2.0

Ting Cheuk-fei is an undercover police officer who has been infiltrating a triad gang for seven years. Meanwhile, Tuen Yat-fan is drug lord Sung Ching-kwong’s planted mole in the Hong Kong Police Force.


葉問4 Ip Man 4




Wing Chun Master’s Odyssey of Self Reflection on foreign soil

Ip Man’s life remains unchanged after his wife’s death, but he and his son are slowly drifting apart. To seek a better future for his son, Ip Man decides to travel to the US. He re-examines his position and ponders the reason he took up martial arts in the beginning.


捉妖記Monster Hunt

史力加之父許誠毅執導 《聊齋志異》發展而成真人動畫作品

很久以前,人與萬物共存,直至人向妖宣戰。懷有小妖王的妖后逃到永寧村,遇上了天蔭(井柏然 飾)以及小嵐(白百何 飾),天蔭陰差陽錯下成為「孕夫」誕下小妖王胡巴。 小嵐和天蔭一同展開了一段奇幻旅程,小妖王胡巴出生令天蔭和小嵐關係起了奇妙變化,同時也揭發了一個重大秘密。


A live animation by the Maker of Shrek, Raman Hui

Humans and goblins used to live together in harmony, until the humans declared war! A pregnant goblin queen escapes to a village, where they meet Tianyin and Xiaolan. Strangely, Tianyin becomes pregnant and gave birth to a wee goblin. Xiaolan and Tianyin embark on a fantastic journey with the wee goblin, as her birth changes their relationship and uncovers a huge secret.


如懿傳Ruyi’s Royal Love in The Palace

周迅極緻演技   細膩還原宮庭生活  打造最極至宮庭劇



Superstar Zhou Xun impeccable reinterpretation of life as an Imperial Chinese Queen

In 1735, Qianlong succeeds the throne. His childhood sweetheart Ruyi becomes his concubine. They support each other through hardships. Years later, Qianlong manages to make Ruyi the empress. But Ruyi realizes he’s changed into a paranoid, fickle and selfish emperor. Their love and trust break down. But Ruyi holds on to happy memories, and carries out her duties as the empress until her death.



鹿鼎記The Deer and the Cauldron


本劇主要講述了出生市井的小人物韋小寶,在不會任何武功的情況下,因機緣巧合闖入江湖和皇宮,憑藉超凡智慧周旋於武林幫會和朝堂之間,一路向上攀升的故事。 韋小寶先是假扮太監,助康熙擒殺鰲拜,後又結識天地會總舵主陳近南,成為陳近南的關門弟子和天地會青木堂香主,他協助康熙攻打吳三桂和神龍島,最後以遠征羅剎國作為自己仕途的收尾,拋棄榮華富貴,於通吃島避世。


The clever Wei Xiaobao aids the emperor’s rule against dissidents

Wei Xiaobao uses his quick wits to hustle between the imperial court and dangerous groups in the kung fu world despite knowing no kung fu at all. Disguised as a eunuch at first, he becomes Emperor Kangxi’s unlikely friend by chance. Encountering all sorts of dangers along the way, Xiaobao manages to help Kangxi secure his reign and becomes the Duke of Deer Cauldron.



港產片煲劇/戲精選 Best of Local Cinema
金都My Prince Edward

鄧麗欣亮眼演出  再度提名香港電影金像獎最佳女主角



Yet another impressive performance by award-winning actress Stephy Tang

Marriage has always been described as the happy ending of a love story. Getting married and having children seems to be the only happiness for a woman. Cheung Lei-fong is in her 30s, and she does not want to marry her long-term boyfriend, Edward Yan Chun-wing. For her, it is not evasion but making a choice.


點五步Weeds On Fire1.28上線)


1984年,中英聯合聲明落實,香港前路茫茫。當年,香港第一隊華人少年棒球隊 ── 沙燕隊成立,十名年青棒球員與香港一同處於躁動不安的時代,被一場又一場的大敗羞辱。掙扎之中,他們修煉勇氣、突破自己,戰勝鬱結。


HK’s first all-Chinese baseball team: a tale of passion and wonder


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