其餘榮獲本屆奧斯卡提名,於Disney+ 播放之作品,包括由憑藉《忘形水》奪得金像獎、金球獎雙料最佳導演吉拿域戴拖路(Guillermo del Toro)執導,改編自同名小說的黑色心理驚悚片《毒心術》,共獲最佳影片、最佳攝影、最佳美術設計及最佳服裝設計4項提名;由真人真事改編而成的傳記式劇情電影《神聖電視台》,女主角謝茜嘉謝西婷(Jessica Michelle Chastain)憑藉飾演星級電視傳道人塔米菲貝克(Tammy Faye)的精湛演出,競逐奧斯卡影后殊榮,同一作品亦獲提名角逐最佳化妝與髮型設計獎項;香港影帝梁朝偉有份主演的Marvel Studios《尚氣與十環幫傳奇》以及反轉遊戲世界規則找尋自我的《爆機自由仁》,皆獲得最佳視覺效果提名;記錄並探討於1969年舉行、為期6周的哈萊姆文化節(Harlem Cultural Festival)之《Summer of Soul》,入圍角逐最佳紀錄長片;迪士尼經典反派角色庫伊拉作為主角的迪士尼《黑白魔后》,入圍角逐最佳服裝設計及最佳化妝與髮型設計。
《魔幻森林》(The Jungle Book )(2016)、《少年PI的奇幻漂流》(Life of Pi)(2012)、《阿凡達》(Avatar )(2009)、《加勒比海盜:決戰魔盜王》(Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006)
《暴雨驕陽》(Dead Poet Society)(1989)
《木偶奇遇記》(Pinocchio)(1940)、《小飛象》(Dumbo)(1941)、《小魚仙》(The Little Mermaid)(1989)、《美女與野獸》(Beauty and the Beast)(1990)、《阿拉丁》(Aladdin)(1992)、《獅子王》(The Lion King)(1994)
Kim Jae-wook impresses the audience with arrogance and aloofness
New partner Krystal Soo Jung in a love-hate relationship
When mathematical genius CEO Noh Go-Jin (Kim Jae Uck) begins to receive death threats from an unknown person, he hatches an elaborate plan to track them down. Shortly after the start of his plan, Lee Shin-a (Krystal Jung), an introverted hard-working secretary who has recently been diagnosed with a life threatening disease and who plans to take her revenge for her poor treatment at his company, discovers Go-Jin in an unusual situation. What ensues is a sweet and, at times, grisly romance between the pair that will have viewers reeling as they swerve from twist to twist.