Hopp on Board – "Zootopia+" heads back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia in a short-form series that dives deeper into the lives of some of the Oscar®-winning feature film's most intriguing characters. In the episode "Hopp on Board," Bonnie & Stu Hopps (voiced by Bonnie Hunt and Don Lake) say goodbye to their daughter Judy as she boards the train from Bunny Burrow to Zootopia to begin her life as the big city's first bunny cop. Meanwhile their youngest daughter, Molly, hitches a ride atop the train, forcing the country couple into an action-packed rescue mission. Directed by Josie Trinidad and Trent Correy, and produced by Nathan Curtis, "Zootopia+" streams on Disney+ beginning Nov. 9, 2022. © 2022 Disney. All Rights Reserved.


CyberArk推出突破性開源工具 助企業防範AI模型越獄風險

2024-12-24 0
CyberArk推出突破性開源工具 助企業防範AI模型越獄風險 全球身份安全供應商CyberArk(NASDAQ: CYBR)今日宣佈推出尖端開源框架FuzzyAI,經測試能突破所有主要AI模型限制。FuzzyAI協助企業識別並解決AI模型漏洞,例如在雲端託管及內部AI模型中繞過防護措施及生成有害輸 ...

中電金信推出強大的 AI 驅動端到端解決方案,改變企業軟件測試模式

2024-12-19 0
中電金信推出強大的 AI 驅動端到端解決方案, 改變企業軟件測試模式   新一代卓越測試中心(TCoE 3.0)結合人工智能、機器學習和自動化技術, 提升企業軟件測試的速度、靈活性和效率 數碼化轉型專家中電金信推出功能強大的卓越測試中心(TCoE 3.0) 解決方案,改變企業對軟件測試的方式。TCo ...

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