Team Funky Kit 將於四月8-9號聚會在PolyU嘅Maker Faire – C12攤位… 好多免費贈品!

記得過來睇下我們的PC Mods機箱係PolyU嘅Maker Faire 四月8-9號 – C12攤位… 好多免費贈品!

Join us via our LIVE stream on Facebook … at these times 4/8 at 11am, 4/8 at 2pm & 4/8 at 4pm. Repeats the next day.


Saturday 8th April

  • 11:00am – Opening and Introduction
  • 2:00pm – Live hard tube bending and installation
  • 4:00pm – Prize giveaways and other announcements

Sunday 9th April

  • 11:00am – Re-cap and feedback so far
  • 2:00pm – Coolant filling and overclocking
  • 4:00pm – More prize giveaways and Competition winners


「Maker Faire HK 2017 x 造大世界」是香港Maker的一大盛事。


自2006年起,Maker Faire的足迹已遍佈全球超過200個地方,而香港當然是其中之一。

Date & Time


  • ​PolyU Campus


  • Booth C12


  • Organizer: PolyU Design
  • Co-organizer: Sponsored by the 150th Anniversary Standard Chartered Community Foundation
  • Tel: +852 2766 5485


What’s a Maker Faire

Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker movement.

Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these “makers” come to Maker Faire to show what they have made and to share what they have learned.

The launch of Maker Faire in the Bay Area in 2006 demonstrated the popularity of making and interest among legions of aspiring makers to participate in hands-on activities and learn new skills at the event. A record 215,000 people attended the two flagship Maker Faires in the Bay Area and New York in 2014, with 44% of attendees first timers at the Bay Area event, and 61% in New York. A family-friendly event, 50% attend the event with children. Also in 2014, 119 independently-produced Mini and 14 Featured Maker Faires occurred around the world, including Tokyo, Rome, Detroit, Oslo and Shenzhen.

More on Maker Faire’s website.



Sennheiser TC Bars已通過Zoom Rooms認證

2024-07-24 0
Sennheiser TC Bars已通過Zoom Rooms認證 可擴展的一體化會議設備,可無縫集成至Zoom Rooms中,增強會議體驗   Sennheiser宣布,其TC Bars智能音視頻一體機現已通過Zoom Rooms認證。該認證使Zoom用户在進行混合會議時能夠擁有卓越的S ...

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