Disney+ 10月呈獻「萬聖節趣怪驚喜片單」:神級經典港劇《我和殭屍有個約會》全數3季、《世紀之戰》獨家上線;Marvel Studios《午夜狼人》及 原創電影迪士尼《女巫也瘋狂2》

Disney+ 10月呈獻「萬聖節趣怪驚喜片單」 多部驚嚇爆笑鬼怪作品與你迎接萬聖節


Marvel Studios《午夜狼人》首輪外國影評激讚




全新原創美劇《愛入歧途》、Rotten Tomatoes 100%好評 《大熊餐廳》、原創電影《奪回羅密歐》

大熱動漫SPYxFAMILY間諜家家酒Part 2》 101日晚上11時上線

國家地理《超凡動物奇觀》 占士金馬倫製作、班尼狄甘巴貝治聲音導航揭開動物超感官




Trick or treat?Disney+ 十月將會推出「萬聖節趣怪驚喜片單」,為你準備好多部來自世界各地不同的鬼怪作品,多元化的劇目必定令你於萬聖節感受到又驚又喜的觀影體驗,召喚出你心中的恐懼!當中包括港劇迷的永恆經典劇作品《我和殭屍有個約會》(A Date With a Vampire)強勢回歸,定必勾起大家對況天祐與馬小玲的越界奇幻愛情回憶,以及首輪美國口碑爆燈的Marvel Studios特別呈獻《午夜狼人》(Werewolf by Night),不論你喜歡東方的殭屍,或者西方的吸血鬼,今次Disney+ 十月片單必定能夠滿足你對於刺激和驚悚的追求!

Disney+ 10月《萬聖節趣怪驚喜片單》
《我和殭屍有個約會》(全數3)My Date with a Vampire (S1-3) 2022105日獨家上線
Marvel Studios 特別呈獻:《午夜人狼》Werewolf by Night 2022107日獨家上線
迪士尼《女巫也瘋狂2Hocus Pocus 2 2022930日獨家上線
《鬼咁多大屋》The Haunted Mansion 現已獨家串流上線
《美國恐怖故事集》 (第二季) American Horror Stories (S2) 現正獨家熱播中


《陰屍路 (第十一季)》The Walking Dead (S11) 現正獨家串流熱播中


《嚇鬼貧僧 》Pee Nak 現已獨家串流上線
《嚇鬼貧僧Pee Nak 2 20221029


《嚇鬼貧僧 3Pee Nak 3 20221030


《夜半鬼哭聲》The Wrath 20221028日獨家串流上線
《陰陽路》Troublesome Night 20221028日上線
《陰陽路4與鬼同行》Troublesome Night 4 現已上線
《見鬼》The Eye
《見鬼2The Eye 2
《見鬼10The Eye Infinity
《午夜兇鈴》The Ring
《貞子:咒殺》KOL Sadako 現已獨家串流上線
《屍殺列車》Train to Busan 現已上線
《鬼眼》The Sixth Sense 現已獨家串流上線
《凶兆》The Omen 現已獨家上線
《咫尺閃靈》What Lies Beneath
LEGO星球大戰:恐佈傳說》LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales 現已獨家串流上線
《爆血新婚夜》Ready or Not
《怪誕城之夜》The Nightmare Before Christmas 


史上尺度最大之作 《午夜人狼》





Marvel Studios 特別呈獻《午夜人狼》 Werewolf by Night

在一個陰森詭異的夜晚,一群神秘的怪物獵人從黑暗中現身,在充斥著濃烈不祥氣息的「血石聖殿」內 結集。他們的領袖不久前剛剛逝世,在古怪得令人毛骨悚然的追悼儀式過後,出席者被安排參與一場充 滿謎團而又致命的狩獵比賽,爭奪某個擁有強大力量的古物,最終他們更要與一頭無比危險的怪物正面 對決。受1930年代、1940年代的恐怖片所啟發,這部寒氣懾人的特別鉅獻,旨在喚起大家的恐懼感, 以種種懸疑、驚嚇的舖排,帶大家探索 Marvel 電影宇宙裡一個前所未見的新角落。


On a dark and somber night, a secret cabal of monster hunters emerge from the shadows and gather at the foreboding Bloodstone Temple following the death of their leader. In a strange and macabre memorial to the leader’s life, the attendees are thrust into a mysterious and deadly competition for a powerful relic—a hunt that will ultimately bring them face to face with a dangerous monster. Inspired by horror films of the 1930s and 1940s, the chilling special aims to evoke a sense of dread and the macabre, with plenty of suspense and scares along the way as we explore a new corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Disney+ 十月精彩片單

除了以上片單,Disney+ 9月份將會有更多不同地區的各式精彩作品陸續上線。當中包括:





“Rosaline” is a fresh and comedic twist on Shakespeare’s classic love story “Romeo & Juliet”, told from the perspective of Juliet’s cousin Rosaline (Kaitlyn Dever), who also happens to be Romeo’s recent love interest. Heartbroken when Romeo (Kyle Allen) meets Juliet (Isabela Merced) and begins to pursue her, Rosaline schemes to foil the famous romance and win back her guy.


星球大戰原創動畫《星球大戰:絕地傳說》Ahsoka Tano 及 Dooku 伯爵絕地之旅

星球大戰:絕地傳說  Star Wars: Tales of The Jedi

這個系列包含六集環繞較早期絕地事蹟的寓言故事。收錄兩位截然不同絕地—— Ahsoka Tano 及 Dooku 伯爵 —— 的生平。兩位絕地各自都需要面對命運的試煉,並作出改變一生的重大決定。


A 6 episode event featuring parables built around Jedi from the prequel era. Journey into the lives of two distinctly different Jedi — Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku. Each will be put to the test as they make choices that will define their destinies.


最新原創劇集《大熊餐廳》Rotten Tomato 100%好評

《大熊餐廳》 The Bear



Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transfrom the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew that ultimately reveal themselves as his chosen family.




由占士金馬倫(James Cameron)製作,奧斯卡獎®提名和英國電影學院獎獲得者班尼狄甘巴貝治(Benedict Cumberbatch)旁白, 「超凡動物奇觀」使用科學創新和領先的電影製作技術來揭示世界上非凡動物的秘密力量和超感官。 看到蜜蜂視覺中的花朵,偷聽像海豹之間的對話,以及在黑暗中發光的松鼠在足球場上翱翔。


Executive produced by James Cameron and narrated by Academy Award®-nominated and BAFTA Award winner Benedict Cumberbatch, SUPER/NATURAL uses the scientific innovations and leading-edge filmmaking technology to reveal the secret powers and super-senses of the world’s extraordinary animals. See flowers in bee-vision to eavesdropping on conversations between elephant seals to soaring the length of a football field with glow-in-the-dark squirrels. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.



台北女子圖鑑  Women in Taipei

一部見證都市女子事業愛情發展與心靈重新定位的動人劇集。從小在文化古都台南成長的林怡姍(桂綸鎂 飾),對台北生活有着特殊嚮往,個性不服輸的她總是想證明自己,因為年輕氣盛,也憧憬着台北的好,充滿了浪漫與奇想,逐步移居在許多形色各異的大台北地區,結識了許多改變她生命態度的「圖鑑女子」,以及每一次情感生活的調劑品「圖鑑男子」。在台北奮鬥的歷程中,總是望着自己心心念念的「台北夢」,期待有一天能入主象徵最頂端的「大安區」,甚至遠渡海外到新加坡異國打拼。


I-Shan, a girl from Tainan, longs to go to Taipei. With a stroke of luck, she manages to find room to stay at her aunt’s apartment in Taipei, and begins to work hard. Frustrations arise as she finds no luck with her interviews and is then framed by her colleague. When a quarrel forces her out of her aunt’s apartment, I-Shan realizes that she is still an outsider in Taipei. The story follows I-Shan’s many routes of transformation into a modern Taipei woman.



《粉紅謊言》Pink Lie

由韓國殿堂級男團Super Junior成員金希澈、曾參演《酒鬼都市女人們》(Work Later, Drink Now)的李先彬、曾參演《社內相親》(Business Proposal)的宋元錫、韓國網絡紅人Ralral擔任主持。一班帶著各自謊言的參加者聚集在一起,他們於配對後需要完成指定的「情侶」任務。在過程中參加者會以假名作交流,更重要的是他們都不可告訴對方有關自己的謊言。大會將會抽選參加者並賦予「粉紅月亮」特權,擁有此特權的參賽者將可揭曉對方的謊言,並決定是否繼續「情侶」的關係。首個Disney+ 戀愛真人Show將於10月5 日獨家上線


Hosted by Super Junior’s Kim Heechul, Lee Sunbin (Work Later, Drink Now, Song Wonseok (Business Proposal), and YouTube influencer Ralral, Pink Lie will see a group of contestants each armed with one lie come together in an attempt to find their love. Contestants will be required to bond and complete challenges, but are not allowed to tell their potential partners their critical lie. Along the show, some will be given special privileges, allowing them to find out another participant’s lie and decide for themselves whether they want to continue the relationship.



匙來勝利組 The Golden Spoon

改編自韓國WEBTOON人氣漫畫連載「金湯匙」,講述家中負債累累的高中生李承天(陸星材 飾),在某一天突然得到一個可以改變命運的機會 — 他只要買一枝便宜的「金湯匙」便可與富二代朋友黃泰勇(李鍾元 飾)「交換父母」,換取充滿財富的生活。一向有「土湯匙」之稱的李承天將會與一眾好友,以意想不到的奇幻方式,徹底改變他們的悲劇生活!但是,世上真的有免費午餐嗎?當你認為自己擁有愈多的時候,一場翻天覆地的變化亦隨之降臨!


They say that nothing in life comes for free, but when struggling Lee Seungcheon is offered a new life full of wealth and riches in exchange for the purchase of a golden spoon that is affordable, he will soon learn that there’s more to that expression than meets the eye. Referred to as “dirt spoon” by those who know him best, Seungcheon and several others will soon have their lives completely transformed in unexpected and irreversible ways in The Golden Spoon.



千圜律師 One Dollar Lawyer

千智勳 (南宮珉 飾)是一名富有正義感的律師,其時尚的曲髮,及反傳統的打官司手法,以及經常以「一千圜 ₩1,000」的象徵式收費,為有需要人士爭取公義。任何案件都能勝訴的他,更被稱為律政界中最有才華的律師之一。他的存在,令很多人包括出身於「律政世家」、充滿自信的助理律師白瑪麗(金智恩 飾),在被迫與千智勳工作兩個月後,開始質疑自己所學得的一切。


Cheon Jihun is a lawyer who is committed to doing the right thing. Sporting a stylish perm and an unorthodox methodology, he has made a name for himself as one of the most talented lawyers around, routinely beating expensive firms and their lawbreaking clients for just one dollar per case. An inspiration to many, Jihun will cause Baek Mari, a confident assistant attorney born into “legal royalty” to question everything she believes after being forced to work with Jihun for two months.



爭鋒相辯 May it please the Court

大律師事務所勝出率最高的王牌律師盧昔意(鄭麗媛 飾),一夜之間失去原有大型律師樓合夥人身份,變成公設辯護律師,與性格古怪的公設辯護律師左時白(李奎炯 飾)成為拍擋。更捲入富豪連環兇殺案。這部法律懸疑劇更會層層牽引至一樁塵封已久的案件…


Noh Chakhee, the ace lawyer with the highest winning rate in the big law firm, Jangsan, becomes a public defender of Jeongha overnight. She becomes involved with a unique and eccentric public defender, Jwa Sibaek, and takes on a serial murder case of wealthy men. Can she defend the criminal who killed her loved one in this legal mystery drama that aims to get to the bottom of a very old case?



絕命案中案 Shadow Detective

宅祿 (李星民 飾)擔任警察多年,職業生涯備受認可,正當準備榮休之際,他的長期合作拍檔卻遇上了麻煩。在拯救身陷危險的拍檔的過程中,金宅祿卻突然暈倒,醒來後發現自己被誣陷成一位殺人犯!在逃亡中,自稱為「朋友」的真正兇手突然聯繫上金宅祿,勒索他要求重新調查有關兇手自己的一宗舊案件,務求洗脫罪名。隨著時間愈來愈緊迫,金宅祿能否在解決這個最後的舊案件同時還自己清白?《絕命案中案》將於10月獨家上線。


After a long and successful career in the police force, detective Taekrok is preparing to retire when his partner gets into trouble. Rushing to save him, Taekrok suddenly passes out and awakens to discover that he has been framed for a murder he didn’t commit. On the run, Taekrok is contacted by the real murderer, a man who identifies himself only as “Friend” and is blackmailed into reinvestigating his old cases in the hope of clearing his name. With the clock counting down, will Taekrok be able to solve his last case before it’s too late?





因為我們忘記一切 Because We Forget Everything

推理小說作家「M」(阿部寬 飾)和交往5年的女友「F」(尾野真千子 飾),在萬聖節晚上因為小事而發生爭執後,女友突然人間蒸發。「M」在尋找她的過程中,發現「F」身邊的朋友和家人口中所形容的「F」,與自己認知中存在非常大的出入,因而進一步揭開「F」的神秘面紗。


“M”, a mystery writer played by Abe, has a fight with “F”, his girlfriend who he’s been dating for five years, over a trivial matter on Halloween night. After that night, “F” has been disappeared. However, while “M” looking for her and listening to her friends and families, “M” finds out that the “F” that people talk about is completely different from the girlfriend “M” knew, and gradually “F”’s secret unveils.

Disney+ 10月精彩猛片推介片單
《魔法黑森林 (一齊唱)Into The Woods (Sing-Along Version) 20221014日獨家上線
Marvel Studios
《蜘蛛俠2: 決戰電魔》The Amazing Spider-Man 2 現已上線
《變形女俠:律政英雌》She-Hulk: Attorney at Law 現正獨家熱播


《安多》Andor 現正獨家熱播
《星球大戰:絕地傳說》Star Wars: Tales of The Jedi 20221026日獨家上線
《大熊餐廳》The Bear 現已上線
《愛入歧途》 (第一季Tell Me Lies (S1) 現正獨家熱播


《重返犯罪現場》 (第二十季NCIS (S20) 202210 5日獨家上線
醫人當自強 (第十九季Greys Anatomy (S19) 202210 19日獨家上線
19號消防局 (第六季Station 19 (S6)
《奪回羅密歐》Rosaline 202210 14日獨家上線
《超凡動物奇觀》Super/Natural 現已獨家上線
《衝破極限》Edge of the Unknown with Jimmy Chin 202210 26日獨家串流上線
《台北女子圖鑑》Women In Taipei 現正獨家熱播
《韓星地帶:求生大作戰》THE ZONE: Survival Mission 現正獨家熱播


《粉紅謊言Pink Lie  2022105日獨家上線
《匙來勝利組》The Golden Spoon 現正獨家熱播


《千圜律師》One Dollar Lawyer 現正獨家熱播


《爭鋒相辯》May It Please The Court 現正獨家熱播


《絕命案中案》Shadow Detective 202210月獨家上線
《因為我們忘記一切》Because We Forget Everything 現正獨家熱播
SPYxFAMILY山間諜家家酒Part 2 2022101日晚上11時上線
《四疊半時光機藍調》Tatami Time Machine Blues 現正獨家熱播


《世紀之戰》Divine Retribution 2022105日獨家上線
《機動部隊》PTU 2022107日獨家上線
《高度戒備》Full Alert
《三人行》Three 2022107日上線
《家有囍事 2009All’s Well End’s Well 2009
《花田囍事 2010 All’s Well End’s Well Too 2010
《化骨龍與千年蟲》He is My Enemy, Partner and Father-in-law
《那一天我們會飛》She Remembers, He Forgets 20221014日上線
《旺角卡門》As Tears Go By
《咖喱辣椒》Curry & Pepper
《竊聽風雲2Overheard 2
《葉問2Ip Man II 20221021日上線
《葉問:終極一戰》Ip Man: The Final Fight
《精武風雲·陳真》Legend of the FistThe Return of Chen Zhen
《唐伯虎點秋香之四大才子》Flirting Scholar 2
《浮華宴》An Inspector Calls 20221028日上線
《使徒行者》Line Walker
《沉默的証人》Bodies at Rest 20221028日獨家串流上線
《逃獄兄弟3Breakout Brothers 3 20221029


《鱷魚》 Grit 2022108


《龍鳳店》Adventure of the King 20221014日上線
《追捕》Manhunt 20221021日獨家串流上線
《美人魚》Mermaid 20221021日上線
《貓之 CAFÉ Cat Café 20221014日獨家串流上線



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